Monitoring & Telemetry
Our managed service team relies on monitoring & telemetry to operate meshStack installations for our customers. The integration of these systems are a mandatory pre-requisite for using our managed services.
This page documents what data we collect and for what purposes we process it. All customer data we collect and store is handled with confidentiality in accordance with our information security management system as described in our Security FAQ.
Customer data
Customer data is any data entered into meshStack via meshPanel or the API and also includes any data that meshStack retrieves from the customer's cloud platforms like cloud tenant metadata or usage reports.
Metrics are labelled, numerical time-series data.
- operating-system level metrics like CPU and disk usage
- application-service metrics like database, queue and load-balancer performance
- meshStack application metrics like API performance and statistics about meshObjects like meshWorkspaces, meshProjects etc.
Application-level metrics can contain labels that include customer data such as meshWorkspace and meshPlatform identifiers.
meshStack collects various logs as described in Logging & Auditing. Logs can contain customer data and also PII like user identifiers.
Log data is therefore not part of telemetry data we collect.
meshcloud transmits and processes metrics data to a central monitoring system operated by meshcloud (meshOperations center) responsible for performance monitoring and alerting.
Customers can find more details including a full list of metrics transmitted in meshStack's security documentation.
When enabled, collected product feedback and usage data is relayed from meshPanel's web server to a central plausible server instance operated by meshcloud.
Health endpoint
meshStack configures a health endpoint which returns the current status and also the status of database connections. These information are available under path /actuator/health
"status": "UP",
"components": {
"db": {
"status": "UP",
"details": {
"database": "MariaDB",
"result": 1,
"validationQuery": "SELECT 1"
meshStack configures a version endpoint to request the current version and commit-hash. This information is available under path <meshPanel>/version
"package": "7.7.7",
"git": "123456789a",
"branch": "HEAD"