meshStack supports metering of OSB Services. This allows Service Owners to collect charges using meshStack's multi-cloud chargeback process.
Product Catalog Configuration
Serice Owners that want to charge consumers of their services via meshStack need to expose cost information in the service catalog of their Service Broker implementations. meshStack metering will then automatically calculate charges and generate a Tenant Usage Report for each OSB Services Platform used in a meshProject.
In the context of OSB Services metering Service Owners are also called Sellers. The id of a seller is the identifier of the meshWorkspace that has registed the Service Broker with the meshMarketplace.
OSB API Service Catalog
The Service Broker's OSB API service catalog must provide cost information for each service plan as described in the OSB API spec. The code snippet below provides an example for describing the cost of a service plan.
"description":"A mid-sided plan.",
"20 GB of messages",
"20 connections"
"unit":"SETUP FEE"
"displayName":"Big Bunny"
meshStack interprets the costs
property for each plan and automatically maintains corresponding entries in the
meshStack metering product catalog.
meshStack relies on Service Owners to provide accurate cost information in their service plans. When generating Tenant Usage Reports, meshStack metering uses the latest available cost information in the meshStack product catalog. Service Owners must thus be careful to ensure that any price changes are communicated to service consumers in advance and get published in OSB API service catalogs after usage reports of the previous period were finalized.
The following sections detail how meshStack interprets OSB API plan cost objects to create meshStack metering product catalog entries.
Metrics-based Metering
See Metrics-based Metering for details about how to charge your services usage-based. This could be relevant for you if you want to charge e.g. based on actual storage or memory used by the service. Further use-cases are mentioned in the linked chapter.
You have to make sure that the metric endpoints are available reliably. When Tenant Usage Reports are finalized, metrics that haven't been received until that point in time for the previous month won't be considered in the Usage Reports and Chargeback Statements. Finalization of Usage Reports usually happens four days after the end of the month. Please contact your Cloud Foundation team to find out how this offset is configured in your meshStack.
Supported Unit Types
Cost objects in the OSB API specification support only a single unit
field. However, service owners can specify multiple cost objects
for each plan so that different types a single service instance can incur multiple different types of charges simultaneously.
Service Brokers must not publish multiple cost objects with the same
value on any given service plan, i.e. aunit
value can only be used once per plan.
Time-based Units
meshStack supports the following unit
values for time-based metering.
meshStack metering normalizes all time units specified in OSB API service catalogs to an hourly rate using the following conversion table:
unit | hours |
HOURLY | 1 h |
DAILY | 24 h |
WEEKLY | 24 h * 7 |
MONTHLY | 30 * 24 h |
YEARLY | 365 * 24 h |
Service instances are charged for each started hour using the normalized hourly rate from the moment a user initiates provisioning of the service instance until it is deleted.
Quantity-based Units
Support for charging services based on quantity units like "GB of messages stored" is forthcomming as part of our Metrics-Based Marketplace Metering feature. Please consult meshcloud's public roadmap for more details.
Setup Fees
Setup fees allow service owners to charge consumers a flat-fee for provisioning a new service instance. This is useful if provisioning a service instance incurs a specific one-time overhead (e.g. because it's a very expensive operation or even involves manual work).
Service Owners need to use the following unit
value to designate a setup fee:
Note that service plans can have multiple cost objects, so it's possible to e.g. charge an initial setup fee for a service instance while also charing a monthly usage fee.
Flat Fees
meshStack metering will interpret any other unit
type value not specified above as a "flat fee".
Flat fees always incur the same charge in each reporting period, regardless of the length that the service instance
was actually used in the period. For example, a service instance that was provisioned on the last day of reporing period #1
and deleted on the first day of reporting period #2 would incur a full charge of the flat fee in each reporting period.
Configuring "out of scope" Sellers
Partners can mark sellers as "out of scope" via configuration. Once a seller is marked as out of scope, the costs for that seller's products will be set to zero in the meshStack metering product catalog.
The line items for the seller will appear in the usage reports and chargeback statements with an appended "Out of Scope" suffix on the usage type. The total column for those line items will be zero, but the used quantity will be shown correctly.
This feature can be used for services for which usage should be tracked but the chargeback process is not yet completely established.
The following configuration options are available at mesh.kraken.meshMarketplace
Note: Seller id's are the meshWorkspace identifiers of the meshWorkspace owning the Service Broker
{ outOfScopeMarketplaceSellers : List Text }
let example
: MeshMarketplace
= { outOfScopeMarketplaceSellers = [ "demo-seller" ] }
Reviewing Metering Data
Metering & Usage information for Service Owners is available for your Service Brokers from the "Service Broker" tab in your workspace control plane.
You see a list of all plans of your Service Broker's services provisioned in projects per period (usually monthly). This information is available individually per OSB Services platform you published your Service Broker to. Click the "Metering & Usage" Button of the according Service Broker to see the Metering & Usage data. You can filter by several criteria like period or service name.
The screen provides you with information about:
- Which workspaces and projects are using your services?
- How long have certain plans been used in projects?
- What are the costs per plan and project for one period?
Seller Usage Report (CSV Export)
All the metering usage data for your services can be downloaded as CSV. This is called a seller usage report in meshcloud because the service owner acts as a seller on the OSB Services platform.
The download can be triggered directly from Metering & Usage information page. The data transformations like sorting and filtering are also included. Additional meta information can be configured beneath the metering usage information. This information will only be visible within the exported CSV document.