Identity Lookup
The recommended way to set up user provisioning via SCIM. The instructions below are not needed if users are provisioned via SCIM.
meshStack allows Workspace Managers to quickly onboard team members with an assisted onboarding workflow. This onboarding workflow features an autocomplete and search for user identities in an enterprise user directory. We call this search process identity lookup.
The following configuration options are available at mesh.meshfed.web.identity-lookup
let IdentityLookup =
Configure identity lookup to support invitation workflow.
Configure the identity provider to use as a source for identity lookup.
Controls the behavior of self-service user invitations (e.g. workspace role assignments from meshPanel).
When true, users can only invite other users listed in the identity provider.
When false, users can create invitations also for users not listed in the identity provider.
{ provider : Optional IdentityProvider
, deny-assigning-other-users : Bool
let example
: IdentityLookup
-- do not use identity lookup, in this case it's important to allow assigning other users
{ provider = None IdentityProvider
, deny-assigning-other-users = False
Partners have the option of disabling the invitation of users that are not listed in the identity provider. They can do so by setting the deny-assigning-other-users
configuration option to true
If you have Identity Lookup configured, the panel user search functionality will lookup users from two sources: the meshStack database, and the enterprise directory. In order to identify the same user coming from the two sources as the same user, meshStack uses the username or the email. In other words, if a user looked up from the enterprise directory has the same username or the same email as a user from meshStack database, meshStack will treat that user to be the same and will not consider them as two different users in the Identity Lookup.
Supported Identity Providers
meshStack supports configuring either of the following identity providers as identity lookup source.
let IdentityProvider =
< Azure : AzureIdentity
| Gcd : GcdIdentity
| GcdEuid : GcdIdentityAndEuid
Azure Active Directory
In order to use Azure lookup functionality, you must create a new service principal as described in Azure Service Principal Setup and assign the following required permissions as an application permission:
You will also need to grant admin consent in AAD in order to activate the
Operators must then configure the service principal credentials and user lookup configuration as follows.
let AzureCreds =
Setting this configuration enables the use of an AAD as a user lookup source to allow
autocomplete of user information when adding new users to workspaces.
The active directory tenant. Its either a UID of the AAD or its domain
The client id of the service principal
The credentials of the service principal
{ aad-tenant : Text
, client-id : Text
, client-secret : Secret.Type
, guestLookup : Optional AzureGuestDetection
, euidSchemaExtensionUpdate : Optional AzureEuidExtensionSchema
, euidUserAttributeUpdate : Optional AzureEuidUserAttribute
, usernameAttributeUpdate : Optional AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate
, emailAttributeUpdate : Optional AzureEmailAttributeUpdate
let AzureIdentity = { azure : AzureCreds }
let example
: AzureCreds
= { aad-tenant = ""
, client-id = "f112f31-248a-4461-1269-0f13164acb95"
, client-secret = Secret.fromTerraform "client_secret"
, guestLookup = None AzureGuestDetection
, euidSchemaExtensionUpdate = None AzureEuidExtensionSchema
, euidUserAttributeUpdate = None AzureEuidUserAttribute
, usernameAttributeUpdate = None AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate
, emailAttributeUpdate = None AzureEmailAttributeUpdate
With this initial config is present, Partners can set up the following optional settings to customize the way meshStack provisions user accounts from identity lookup.
To provision new meshUsers as guest users, configure the guest detection.
let AzureGuestDetection =
When adding/inviting a new meshUser check AAD User attributes data to determine if the meshUser shall be provisioned as a guest user in meshStack.
Attention: This check is only performe on the first attempt when a user is added/invited
to a workspace. If this check is configured after some users were initially added to a
workspace they are not detected as guest users.
The AAD's custom attribute which is checked against the guestValue.
This can be any attribute that can be retrieved via the MS Graph API GET user $select query parameter
If the AAD custom attribute matches this value, the user is considered to be a guest.
{ guestProperty : Text, guestValue : Text }
let exampleUsingOnlyUserType
: AzureGuestDetection
-- use only the AAD userType to determine meshUser guest status
{ guestProperty = "userType", guestValue = "Guest" }
let exampleWithSchmaExtension
: AzureGuestDetection
-- Note that meshStack implicitly adds an additional check for userType=Guest
-- when configuring a custom guestProperty. This configuration will thus check
-- userType=Guest && extension_1234_supplierContractType=contractor
{ guestProperty = "extension_1234_supplierContractType"
, guestValue = "contractor"
To use an AAD attribute as euid
let AzureEuidUserAttribute =
When adding/inviting a new user to a workspace a (custom) attribute property from the users AAD
schema can be used to fill in his euid. For a list of user attributes for the AAD user object
Attention: This check is only performed on the first attempt when a user is added/invited
to a workspace. If this check is configured after some users were initially added to a
workspace their euid's are not udpated.
The AAD's user (custom) attribute.
{ userAttributeName : Text }
let example
: AzureEuidUserAttribute
= { userAttributeName = "mailNickname" }
To use an attribute from the AAD extension schema as euid
let AzureEuidExtensionSchema =
When adding/inviting a new user to a workspace a custom attribute property from the users AAD
extension schema can be used to fill in his euid.
Attention: This check is only performed on the first attempt when a user is added/invited
to a workspace. If this check is configured after some users were initially added to a
workspace their euid's are not udpated.
The name of the extension schema property which is used as EUID value.
The identifier of the custom schema which should be used to extract the value out of.
{ euidExtensionSchemaProperty : Text
, euidExtensionSchemaIdentifier : Text
let example
: AzureEuidExtensionSchema
= { euidExtensionSchemaProperty = "uniqueid"
, euidExtensionSchemaIdentifier = "extkvbmkofy_mySchema"
To use an AAD attribute other than userPrincipalName attribute, which is the default, as the meshUsers' username (Note that this cannot be used together with AzureEmailAttributeUpdate)
let AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate =
When adding/inviting a new user to a workspace a custom attribute property from the users AAD
extension schema can be used to fill in his username.
Cannot be used together with an AzureEmailAttributeUpdate.
The name of the user property which is used as the username value. E.g. 'mailNickname'.
A Java String#format compatible string to replace/modify the found property with. For example to add a prefix to
the property value set it to 'myprefix-%s'
{ propertyToUse : Text, formatString : Optional Text }
let example
: AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate
{- To use the email as the meshUser's username -}
{ propertyToUse = "mail", formatString = None Text }
To use an AAD attribute, other than the "mail" attribute which is the default, as the meshUsers' email (Note that this cannot be used together with AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate)
let AzureEmailAttributeUpdate =
When adding/inviting a new user to a workspace a custom attribute property from the users AAD
extension schema can be used to fill in his email.
Cannot be used together with an AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate.
The name of the user property which is used as the email value. E.g. 'userPrincipalName'.
{ propertyToUse : Text }
let example
: AzureEmailAttributeUpdate
= {- If the userPrincipalName is a secondary email that you want to set as meshUser's email -}
{ propertyToUse = "userPrincipalName" }
As mentioned above, both AzureEmailAttributeUpdate and AzureUsernameAttributeUpdate cannot be used at the same time. This is because meshStack requires either the standard username (which is the userPrincipalName), or the standard email to be used as the user's username or email to uniquely identify a user already in meshStack and coming from AAD lookup.
Google Cloud Identity
In order to use Google Cloud Directory (also called Google Cloud Identity) as a lookup provider you need to provide these credentials:
let GcdCreds =
Setting this configuration enables the use of an GCD as a user lookup source to allow
autocomplete of user information when adding new users to workspaces.
The domain used for cloud identity directory-groups created and managed by meshStack.
meshStack maintains separate groups for each meshProject role on each managed GCP project.
The client id of the service principal
The credentials of the service principal
{ domain : Text
, customer-id : Text
, service-account-credentials-b64 : Secret.Type
let example
: GcdCreds
= { domain = ""
, customer-id = "customer-id"
, service-account-credentials-b64 =
Secret.fromTerraform "gcp_credentials"
The GCD Service User needs read access to the GCD Directory API.
If this initial config if present you can decide to set up the following optional user identity steps:
let GcdEuid =
When adding/inviting a new user to a workspace a custom attribute property from the users GCD
custom schema can be used to fill in his euid.
Attention: This check is only performed on the first attempt when a user is added/invited
to a workspace. If this check is configured after some users were initially added to a
workspace their euid's are not udpated anymore.
The name of the extension schema which contains the EUID value.
The name of the custom schema property which is used as EUID value.
{ euidCustomSchema : Text, euidProperty : Text }
let example
: GcdEuid
= { euidCustomSchema = "schema-containing-euid"
, euidProperty = "euid-property"