Release 7.40.0
Release period: 2020-10-22 to 2020-10-29
This release includes the following issues:
- Skip Azure Cost Collection for deleted subscriptions
- Fixes 'required' being shown multiple times for tags
- Improved logging of failed GCP Cloud Functions
- Tag sanitization for cloud platforms
- Import payment methods via meshObject API
- Fixes policy violation badge shown at zero violations
Ticket Details
Skip Azure Cost Collection for deleted subscriptions
Audience: Operator
Component: kraken
Azure sets subscriptions to a DELETED state, before it actually deletes subscriptions. Cost data cannot be retrieved for these subscriptions anymore. This is now handled correctly in meshMetering. There are also DISABLED subscriptions in Azure. Subscriptions in that status can be reactivated again. Azure keeps subscriptions in that state for up to 90 days, before it actually sets them to DELETED state. Cost data of DISABLED subscriptions will still be collected, so meshMetering still knows about the latest cost information Azure provides for DISABLED subscriptions. Additionally Azure cost data collection is now more tolerant and won't stop completely if cost data collection only fails for a few subscriptions. That way Tenant Usage Reports for all other subscriptions will still be generated and are up-to-date.
Fixes 'required' being shown multiple times for tags
Audience: User, Customer, Partner
Component: panel
We recently introduced a textual indicator to show that a tag is a required field. In some cases this text would be appended multiple times and this is now fixed.
Improved logging of failed GCP Cloud Functions
Audience: Operator, Partner
Component: gcp
In order to make debugging of failed GCP Cloud Functions easier, the response of these failed functions is now logged better and displayed in the Admin Area.
Tag sanitization for cloud platforms
Audience: Operator, Partner
Component: repli
meshStack now sanitizes project tags to the requirements of cloud platforms instead of failing the replication. This means when an invalid tag value or key is encountered it replaces invalid characters or limits the length of the tag keys/values. The limitations of each cloud platform and which transformations are automatically applied is described in
Import payment methods via meshObject API
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
meshPaymentMethods can now be imported via the meshObject API. It is also possible to import meshProjects with linked meshPaymentMethods within the same request. meshPaymentMethods will be updated on subsequent requests.
Fixes policy violation badge shown at zero violations
Audience: User
Component: panel
The policy violation indicator badge in the menu is now hidden if there are no violations.