Release 2025.10.0
Release period: 2025-03-05 to 2025-03-12
This release includes the following issues:
- Building Block Definition Deletion Improvement
- Include Empty Tenant Usage Reports in Chargeback Statements
- Fix Creation of Incorrect Event Logs
- Fix Creation of Unnecessary Event Logs
- meshObject API Endpoint Reject Unsupported Media Types
- Replaced action buttons in tables with dropdowns
- Fix Sorting of Usage Reports by Total Amount
Ticket Details
Building Block Definition Deletion Improvement
Audience: Partner, Operator, User
Previous to this change it was not possible to delete a building block definition in case another building block definition would depend on it. Now, you can delete a building block definition even if there is another building block definition depending on it, as long as the latest version of the child definition no longer depends on the definition that was previously the parent.
Include Empty Tenant Usage Reports in Chargeback Statements
Audience: Partner, Customer
Previously, Tenant Usage Reports were sometimes not included in a Chargeback Statement if that Tenant Usage Report had no line items (and therefore also no costs). This has been fixed, such that a Chargeback Statement now always includes all related Tenant Usage Reports, even if they have no line items. While this change does not change anything related to the actual costs of a Chargeback Statement, it provides more transparency, since you now see at a glance all tenants that are part of a Chargeback Statement, even if they did not incur any costs. Please note that this change takes effect only for non-finalized and newly created chargeback statements. Chargeback statements that are already finalized are not impacted.
Fix Creation of Incorrect Event Logs
Audience: Partner, Customer
Under some circumstances, incorrect event logs were created. For example, if a user had access to a workspace both via a group binding and a user binding, and the group binding had an expiration date, and the role of the group binding was changed, then incorrect events of type "Workspace Group Role Expiration Date Changed" and "Workspace User Role Expiration Date Changed" have been created. A similar issue existed for project bindings. These issues have been fixed.
Fix Creation of Unnecessary Event Logs
Audience: Partner, Customer
Previously, when the expiration date or the role of a workspace group binding was changed, this change was logged not only for the group itself, but also for each individual group member. For example, if the associated group had 5 members, then 6 event logs were created, with one event log for the group itself, and 5 event logs for the members. This has been changed such that only the group-level event log is created. With this change, we reduce the number of newly created event logs, which is beneficial for performance reasons, as the search function can become slow when the number of events grow large. At the same time, we provide the same level of transparency as before, since we already audit which member was added to or removed from a group.
meshObject API Endpoint Reject Unsupported Media Types
Audience: Customer
Some meshObject API endpoints incorrectly accepted unsupported media types. This behavior has been fixed in this release and clients will now receive a HTTP 406 Not Acceptable error response.
How to use
This bug could lead to clients receiving a response with a content-type not matching the content-types specified in the request's accept header. We have notified admin teams of affected meshStack instances. If you did not receive an email from us about this issue, your use of the meshObject API was not affected by this bug.
We have identified the following situations where this bug did occur:
- accept headers specifying a non-existent meshObject versions like "application/vnd.meshcloud.api.meshuser.v3.hal+json"
- accept headers specifying an unversioned media type like "application/json".
Only endpoints using the following meshObjects were affected by this bug:
- meshPaymentMethods
- meshProject
- meshServiceInstance
- meshTenant
- meshUser
Please review your use of meshObject API to ensure that you are setting the correct accept headers to receive the expected version of a meshObject. See the API docs for more details.
Replaced action buttons in tables with dropdowns
Audience: Partner
We replaced the row of action buttons within the Workspaces, Projects, Landing Zones and Payment Methods in the admin area with a dropdown. This is now more user-friendly and allows for more actions to be added in the future.
Fix Sorting of Usage Reports by Total Amount
Audience: Partner
When sorting Tenant Usage Reports by their total amount, the sorting was not applied correctly in some cases. This has been fixed.