Release 2025.8.0
Release period: 2025-02-24 to 2025-02-26
This release includes the following issues:
- Test Connection & Auto Import for Terraform Building Blocks
- Fix sorting of Usage Reports and Chargeback Statements
- Admin permissions for API Keys to manage Service Instances
- Fixed HTTP response status codes for meshServiceInstance API
- Re-enable Access to old Projects with Invalid Deletion State
- Don't show deleted OSB Plans in Marketplace
- Fix Forecast for Unused Payment Methods
- Moved Building Block Supported Platforms
- Test connection and import for Terraform Building Blocks
Ticket Details
Test Connection & Auto Import for Terraform Building Blocks
Audience: User
When creating a Terraform building block in the UI, you can now test the connection to the target git repository and automatically import all Terraform inputs & outputs. Please note that for the time being this is only supported for public git providers GitHub, GitLab, Azure DevOps & Bitbucket. Self-hosted variants are not supported at the moment.
How to use
When entering a valid repository URL in the Terraform building block creation form, a new button will appear called "Test Connection". You can click this button to test the connection to the repository. When landing on the "Inputs" part of the creation form, you will then be prompted to decide which inputs & outputs to import.
Fix sorting of Usage Reports and Chargeback Statements
Audience: Partner, Customer
When further pages of usage reports or chargeback statements were loaded, the sorting was not applied correctly on the further pages. This fix ensures that the sorting is maintained when further pages are loaded.
Admin permissions for API Keys to manage Service Instances
Audience: Partner
This release adds new admin permissions for API keys to manage Service Instances across all workspaces. Regular permissions for managing Service Instances within the API key's workspace remain available.
Fixed HTTP response status codes for meshServiceInstance API
Audience: Partner
We have made a minor fix to HTTP response status codes returned by the meshObject API endpoints for meshServiceInstance when submitting a duplicate service instanceId. Please review the details of this release note for the specific changes.
How to use
The API operation POST /api/meshobjects/meshServiceInstances now returns a 409 status code when a meshServiceInstance with the same instanceId already exists. Previously, the operation returned a HTTP 500 status code for this case.
Please note that this change is introduced without an explicit change in the API version for this endpoint because we consider this to be a bug fix.
Re-enable Access to old Projects with Invalid Deletion State
Audience: Customer
If a tenant deletion was rejected by a platform operator in August or September 2024, the project did not become active again after the rejection. The affected projects are now active again and can be accessed by the application teams. Only a very little amount of projects were affected by this issue.
Don't show deleted OSB Plans in Marketplace
Audience: Partner, Customer
Deleted OSB service plans were included in the internal pricing section of a service in the Marketplace. The deleted plans are now not shown anymore for the internal pricing section as intended.
Fix Forecast for Unused Payment Methods
Audience: Partner, Customer
Previously, the forecast in the payment method graph (i.e., the dotted line) sometimes indicated a cost increase for payment methods that have already been replaced by a different payment method. This has been fixed now, so that the dotted line remains flat to correctly indicate that no further costs are expected for this payment method.
Moved Building Block Supported Platforms
Audience: User
To streamline the Building Block configuration process, we have moved the Supported Platforms selection from the Implementation step to the General step, directly grouped with the Building Block Type selection if a Tenant Building Block is selected.
Test connection and import for Terraform Building Blocks
Audience: Operator
You can now test your connection to your SSH & HTTPS git repository for Terraform Building Blocks and optionally import your inputs and outputs directly from the detected Terraform files. Please note that this is currently only supported for cloud-hosted instances of GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket and Azure DevOps. Self-hosted git providers are not supported at this time.