Release 2023.12.0
Release period: 2023-08-23 to 2023-08-30
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix meshProject stuck in pending deletion
- Fix sending Building Block notifications to all users
- Building Block Definitions can use a specific git commit
- Fix Sensitive User Input not showing
- View runs in the Building Block Control Plane
- Improvement of Sidebar User Interface
- Prevent use of Terraform with incompatible license
- Disable Azure Subscription Owner entity requirement
- Open Service Broker context object contains workspace_id
Ticket Details
Fix meshProject stuck in pending deletion
Audience: Partner, Customer
In rare cases if you deleted a meshProject that contains only a single Marketplace tenant, your project remained in a pending deletion state. This is fixed now, but the update process can take up 1 hour.
Fix sending Building Block notifications to all users
Audience: User
If a Building Block failed or required operator input, all users who were assigned to any workspace received an email. Those workspace users won't receive these notifications anymore. Only Partner Admins, Partner Employees and Platform Operators will receive those emails now. With the next release, we will provide the actually intended behavior of sending the Building Block failed notification also to Workspace users for Building Blocks that belong to their workspace.
Building Block Definitions can use a specific git commit
Audience: Operator
When you define a Building Block Definition based on Terraform, you can now fix the repository source to a specific git commit that will be used when the Building Block is applied.
Fix Sensitive User Input not showing
Audience: Customer
Previously, when you wanted to add building block to your tenant (as a workspace user), which requires a sensitive input, the input was not rendered.
View runs in the Building Block Control Plane
Audience: Partner
We have introduced a building block control plane in the admin area where you can manage one specific Building Block. You can already check out the runs for a building block on that control plane. Note that older runs might have the state 'Succeeded', even if they have failed. Please stay tuned, as we will incrementally integrate more Building Block-related functionalities in the upcoming weeks.
Improvement of Sidebar User Interface
Audience: Partner
We are excited to unveil a refined user interface within the Admin Panel sidebar. This enhancement encompasses a redesigned collapsible sidebar that would intuitively cater to your need, creating a seamless alignment with your preferences, and keeping insight into exactly the category you want to work on.
Prevent use of Terraform with incompatible license
Audience: Operator
Since August 10th, Hashicorp announced a change in the licensing of Terraform which impacts the use of Terraform >1.5.5 in meshStack Building Blocks. We are actively investigating options to keep supporting Terraform beyond this license change, but as a preventive measure, we prohibit the use of Terraform versions higher than 1.5.5. Please stay tuned as we explore the possibility of extending our support to upcoming Terraform versions. We are also evaluating the potential support for openTF. This initiative seeks to provide an open-source alternative to the official Hashicorp Terraform provider.
Disable Azure Subscription Owner entity requirement
Audience: Partner
A flag introduced into the Azure platform configuration allows to bypass the Subscription Owner setting. This can be useful when a user group already carries the 'Owner' role and additional fallback 'Owner' principals are not required anymore.
Open Service Broker context object contains workspace_id
Audience: Operator
After we have already renamed customer to workspace in most places in meshStack, we have now introduced this renaming in the JSON payload sent from meshStack to the Open Service Broker. To avoid breaking changes, your existing Open Service Broker implementations remain compatible with meshStack, but you can now start migrating your Open Service Brokers. In particular, the context object sent from meshStack to your Open Service Broker implementation now contains the key workspace_id in addition to the already existing key customer_id. The value of workspace_id is identical to the value of customer_id in order to remain backwards-compatible. However, the customer_id key is considered deprecated and will be removed in the future (we will not introduce breaking changes without prior notice). To migrate your Open Service Broker implementation, simply replace context.customer_id by context.workspace_id. Feel free to reach out to us if you require any assistance.