Release 2023.5.0
Release period: 2023-07-05 to 2023-07-13
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix static Building Block input errors
- Change Building Block implementation type
- Separation of Marketplace
- Navigation after meshWorkspace Creation
- Enhancement of Displayed Icons
- Improved meshProject creation review UI
- meshCustomer renamed to meshWorkspace
- Fixing view for currently deleting meshTenants
- Adapted look and feel of Building Blocks
- Improved Project Access Control
Ticket Details
Fix static Building Block input errors
Audience: Partner, Operator
There was a bug for Building Block inputs that were configured in a static manner within a Building Block definition. During edit, the static value was lost and Building Block execution led to a failed state. This has been fixed now. After changing the static value of an input and re-running the Building Block the new value will be applied.
Change Building Block implementation type
Audience: Partner, Operator
Platform Operators are now able to change the implementation type of their Building Block definitions. This makes it possible to define manual Building Blocks and later switch to a Terraform-backed automation.
Separation of Marketplace
Audience: User, Customer
To enhance transparency in your meshProject, we separated Marketplace from the Tenants tab. So that Tenant tab focuses specifically on tenants associated with cloud services, enabling easy access to cloud-related information. On the other hand, the Marketplaces tab exclusively showcases Marketplaces, allowing you to conveniently explore and engage with various marketplace options.
Navigation after meshWorkspace Creation
Audience: Customer
We have enhanced the meshWorkspace creation process by introducing automatic redirection. Once a meshWorkspace is created, you will be automatically directed to it for easy access to relevant information and tools. If you are not assigned to the created meshWorkspace, you will be redirected to your existing meshWorkspace or to Administration Panel.
Enhancement of Displayed Icons
Audience: Customer
We have enhanced the visual presentation of icons, resulting in a subtle alteration to their appearance and overall user experience.
Improved meshProject creation review UI
Audience: User
In this release, we have enhanced the meshProject creation review page, resulting in a more polished and user-friendly experience. You can now effortlessly navigate through the review phase, ensuring that all entered project details are accurately verified before finalizing the creation.
meshCustomer renamed to meshWorkspace
Audience: User, Customer, Partner, Operator
We have renamed meshCustomer to meshWorkspace. The new term is more intuitive and universally understandable, thereby increasing user-friendliness, especially for first-time users.
Fixing view for currently deleting meshTenants
Audience: Partner, Operator
Previously, in the Administration Area view at Platforms > Tenants you could not access the tenant control plane of tenants in pending deletion by clicking "View more". This has been fixed.
Adapted look and feel of Building Blocks
Audience: Partner, Operator
We want to improve the administration around the Building Block topic. Therefore, we implemented a top-level control plane in the Administration Area. Please stay tuned, as we will introduce more functionality in the upcoming weeks!
Improved Project Access Control
Audience: Customer
We enhanced the meshProject Access Control page by allowing you to easily unassign multiple users at once. Additionally, the meshProject creation page now has a centered view, improving visibility and user experience during review and input.