Release 2023.1.0
Release period: 2023-06-07 to 2023-06-14
This release includes the following issues:
- Add Building Block during meshProject & meshTenant creation
- Fix stuck Building Blocks for large log statements
- Edit Dependencies of Building Block Definition
- Improved Policy Validation for Group Assignment
Ticket Details
Add Building Block during meshProject & meshTenant creation
Audience: User, Customer, Operator
When you create a new meshProject or meshTenant and select a platform that is supported by a Building Block Definition, you can now select the Building Blocks you would like to add to your new meshTenant directly when creating the meshProject. This allows you to quickly set up your meshTenant in the intended way right from the beginning. Platform Operators will soon be able to define mandatory Building Blocks on meshLandingZones, to make sure essential services or resources are rolled out for meshTenants.
Fix stuck Building Blocks for large log statements
Audience: Operator
This fixes an issue that happened on very long log statements that could lead to Building Blocks runs which were stuck.
Edit Dependencies of Building Block Definition
Audience: Partner, Operator
You can now edit the dependencies of your Building Block Definition on the Building Block Definition control plane in the Admin Area. Please be aware, you can only remove a Building Block Definition from the dependencies if no Building Block exists that uses this dependency for an input.
Improved Policy Validation for Group Assignment
Audience: User, Customer
Previously, when creating a project, the 'Add My Groups' dropdown button was always visible and included also groups that couldn't be added due to policy restrictions. The error message was only displayed at the end of the project creation. Now, this is fixed. The 'Add My Groups' button will show only groups that do not violate policy restrictions, and will be completely hidden if no such groups are available.