Release 7.175.0
Release period: 2023-05-25 to 2023-05-31
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix filtering of Building Block Dependencies
- Fix adding building blocks with pending dependency
- Improve partial availability when service is down
- Prevent Building Block deletion with dependencies
- Improved GCP groups permissions cleanup
- Fix execution of Building Block from Azure DevOps
- Guidance for First meshTenant Creation
Ticket Details
Fix filtering of Building Block Dependencies
Audience: Partner, Operator
Filtering the available Building Blocks for a Dependency did not work in some cases. This is fixed now.
Fix adding building blocks with pending dependency
Audience: User, Operator
When adding a Building Block with a dependency, an error occurred, if you added the dependent Building Block before all Operator Inputs were provided for the parent Building Block. This is fixed now and you can create a Building Block, that depends on another Building Block, which still requires some Operator Input. The Building Block is executed automatically when the parent building block’s operator input has been entered and the parent Building Block was executed successfully.
Improve partial availability when service is down
Audience: User
In the rare case that one of the meshStack services in the background becomes unavailable, you can now still access your customer's control planes or the administration area. Only functionality dependent on this service will become unavailable, such as replication and cost information. Previously you always got an error message when entering meshPanel.
Prevent Building Block deletion with dependencies
Audience: Customer, Partner, Operator
You can no longer delete (or purge) Tenant Building Blocks that have others depending on them.
Similarly, you cannot delete the definition of a Building Block, that is required by another
Building Block Definition.
Improved GCP groups permissions cleanup
Audience: Partner, Operator
With this fix, we've resolved a problem that was preventing the proper removal of permissions for deleted GCP meshTenants due do technical reasons. Now you will be able to manage tenants and groups without additional clean up effort.
Fix execution of Building Block from Azure DevOps
Audience: Partner, Operator
We experienced an issue with access to sources managed in Azure DevOps repositories during the execution of Building Blocks, because of some implementation specifics of Azure DevOps. This has been fixed now.
Guidance for First meshTenant Creation
Audience: Customer
We've introduced a guidance dialogue to support you in creating your first meshTenant effortlessly. This dialog will assist you in understanding what actions to take next and why these steps are crucial.