Release 7.174.0
Release period: 2023-05-17 to 2023-05-24
This release includes the following issues:
- Select specific Building Block dependency
- View dependencies on building block control plane
- Show remark for Building Block execution
- Select repository path for Building Blocks
- Improved Add Tenant Dialog
Ticket Details
Select specific Building Block dependency
Audience: User, Customer
When adding a Building Block with Dependencies to your meshTenant, you can now select which existing Building Block in your meshTenant shall be used for the dependency.
View dependencies on building block control plane
Audience: Partner, Operator
You can now find all defined dependencies of a Building Block Definition on the building block control plane. Currently, this view is read-only. Editing dependencies will be available soon.
Show remark for Building Block execution
Audience: Partner, Operator
In the Building Blocks tab of the tenant control plane within the admin area you can now see remarks that might exist for the most recent execution of the selected Building Block. This helps with debugging in cases where no -or only very limited- information is provided via the standard log output.
Select repository path for Building Blocks
Audience: Partner, Operator
Additionally to a git repository url, you can now specify an optional path within the repository to source your Building Block Terraform code from there only instead of using the complete repository code. This helps in case of mono repos or in other cases where your repository holds different types of data. Please make sure that the specified subdirectory exists within the configured repository.
Improved Add Tenant Dialog
Audience: Customer
To quickly find the tenant you need for the project, you can now search and filter platforms in the add tenant dialog by their type and name. Also, we have made it easier for you to create secure tenants by ensuring that you can only select tenants with suitable Landing Zones that adhere to the current policies.