Release 7.146.0
Release period: 2022-11-09 to 2022-11-16
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix unresponsive meshPanel
- Fixed admin area projects not showing
- meshCustomerUserGroup filtering via API
- Extend Service Broker Info in Admin Area
- Increased robustness of service instance creation
Ticket Details
Fix unresponsive meshPanel
Audience: Operator
A bug that lead to a unusual high load on the backend, if a project with a lot of assigned users (>100) existed was fixed.
Fixed admin area projects not showing
Audience: Partner
In a previous release a bug was introduced where some projects of a customer would not be visible in the admin area. This is now fixed.
meshCustomerUserGroup filtering via API
Audience: Partner, Operator
meshCustomers and meshUsers can now be filtered by meshCustomerUserGroup. That way you can get the meshCustomer a certain meshCustomerUserGroup belongs to. You can also get all users who are member of a certain meshCustomerUserGroup. meshCustomerUserGroups can now be filtered by meshCustomer or meshUser. This allows you to get all meshCustomerUserGroups of a certain meshCustomer or all meshCustomerUserGroups a certain meshUser is member of.
Extend Service Broker Info in Admin Area
Audience: Partner
Service broker logs and provisioned service broker plans are now visible from the admin area. In addition, the service broker view from the admin area now includes an additional column to see which customer the service broker belongs to.
Increased robustness of service instance creation
Audience: User
When selecting services for cloud platforms during project creation, some error cases are now handled in a more robust way.