Release 7.144.0
Release period: 2022-10-20 to 2022-10-26
This release includes the following issues:
- Support for meshTenants as Azure Resource Groups
- Select recommended services for landing zones
- Filter and sort meshPlatforms
- Create tenant services during project creation
Ticket Details
Support for meshTenants as Azure Resource Groups
Audience: Operator
We introduced the platform type "Azure Resource Groups". This allows to integrate Azure tenants that follow a legacy convention of having project resources organized in Resource Groups. meshTenants of the platform type "Azure Resource Groups" are represented as Azure Resource Groups inside a Subscription.
How to use
As an admin add a new Azure Resource Group platform. After you added it you need to click the newly created platform and go to the "Config" section. There you can enter the replication information. It is similar to the Azure platform. Make sure the principal you choose has Resource Group write access to the Subscription that should be used as a parent container for your Resource Groups. To create tenants you also need a Landing Zone for this new platform. Add a Landing Zone and enter the desired location for your Resource Group. Now you can create meshTenants for this new platform type.
Select recommended services for landing zones
Audience: Partner
Partners and Platform Operators can now select and edit tenant-aware services for their landing zones. Required as well as optional services can be defined for a landing zone. These services will be proposed to the end-user during project creation at the moment. In future these services will also be presented when adding a new tenant or just by booking a new service for a certain tenant on its tenant control plane.
Filter and sort meshPlatforms
Audience: Partner
We added filtering and sorting in the meshPlatforms page in the Admin Area so it is now easier and faster to find the platform that you're looking for.
Create tenant services during project creation
Audience: User
When creating a new meshProject, you can now select meshMarketplace services that will add predefined resources to your tenants or configure your tenants in a certain way. Based on the selected Landing Zone, certain services are required or optional for the new meshTenant. Accordingly you have to or can configure the services. This allows to e.g. already add a preconfigured networks with on-prem connent or a certain firewall clearance to your meshTenants. It will take some time after meshProject creation until the services have been applied to your tenants, because the tenants have to be created and configured first via the automated replication done by meshStack.