Release 7.135.1
Release period: 2022-08-17 to 2022-08-24
This release includes the following issues:
- Add report period to meshChargeback line items in API
- Fix resetting optional platform configs
- Include roles assigned via group in navigation bar
Ticket Details
Add report period to meshChargeback line items in API
Audience: Operator
When retrieving meshChargebacks via the meshObject API, the report period for every line item is now also included in the response. meshChargebacks can contain line items from different reporting periods. If for some reason a usage report was not finalized before the related chargeback period ended, it will be added to a later chargeback statement once it is finalized.
Fix resetting optional platform configs
Audience: Operator
Resetting an optional platform config value (e.g. the carbon footprint config in GCP metering) did not completely reset the field and lead to some extensive internal logging. This was fixed.
Include roles assigned via group in navigation bar
Audience: User
We now include roles assigned via groups in the customer roles displayed in the navigation bar. Previously, only roles directly assigned to your user were visible.