Release 7.122.0
Release period: 2022-05-11 to 2022-05-18
This release includes the following issues:
- Fixed static tag values in meshPlatform config
- Fix policy violations not available after adding yourself
- Fix tenant filtering not working for customer & project
Ticket Details
Fixed static tag values in meshPlatform config
Audience: Operator
It is now possible to provide tags with a fixed string value within the meshPlatform configuration. Those tags values do not contain a placeholder for replacement during replication, such as "${customerName}". Tag sanitization is still applied.
Fix policy violations not available after adding yourself
Audience: Partner, Customer
If you appeared in the policy violations and you use the "Remove Myself" in the Admin Area, the policy violations in the Admin area and the customer control plane would not load for an amount of time. This has been fixed and the policy violations will work right away again.
Fix tenant filtering not working for customer & project
Audience: Partner
In the last release, the filtering and sorting on the customer & project column in the tenants view in the Admin Area stopped working. This is now fixed and the sorting and filtering on all columns works again.