Release 7.112.0
Release period: 2022-03-02 to 2022-03-09
This release includes the following issues:
- Fixes meshCustomerUserBinding validation
- Immutable tags
- Instantly edit first-time tags
- Auto-close after selecting single-select tag value
- Prevent logo overflow in navigation bar
- Danger Zone tab moved to main tabs on control planes
- Improvement for AWS Account Enrollment
- Deactivate/Reactive meshPlatforms
Ticket Details
Fixes meshCustomerUserBinding validation
Audience: Operator
When assigning Customer Owners via the meshObject API, and already having customer owners assigned, the API could throw an error when trying to assign the same customer owners again as they were not considered the same users. This is now fixed and if you try to assign the same customer owners (as intended with a declarative API), the API will not throw any errors anymore.
Immutable tags
Audience: Partner, Operator
The idea of immutable tags is that we allow the selection of specific tag values during the creation process. Afterwards it is no longer possible to edit the selected values. For example if you create a meshProject with environment tag 'dev' then you can't change the meshProject to 'prod' after creation. If you want a meshProject with environment tag 'prod' you need to create a new meshProject.
Instantly edit first-time tags
Audience: Partner
When creating your first customer or project tag as a partner, a panel refresh was required to make this tag show up either via the customer creation wizard or via the tag editing capabilties in the admin area. This is now fixed and the panel will show the newly created tag without requiring a panel refresh.
Auto-close after selecting single-select tag value
Audience: User
Previously, when selecting a single-select tag value, the dropdown would not close automatically but required an extra click somewhere else on the page. This is now no longer the case and the dropdown will close automatically after selecting a value.
Prevent logo overflow in navigation bar
Audience: User
In some environments, a large panel logo results in an overflowing navigation bar that hides some important "Go back", "Refresh" or "Create" buttons. This has been fixed.
Danger Zone tab moved to main tabs on control planes
Audience: Customer
Users can now easily find the deletion functionality called "Danger Zone" on the main tabs of control planes, which was previously under the "Settings" tab. Thank you for providing your feedback on the new control planes!
Improvement for AWS Account Enrollment
Audience: Operator
The identification of existing AWS Provisioned Products during the Account Enrollment process for AWS Control Tower was not always working properly for meshTenants, that have been imported via the meshObject API. This has now been corrected.
Deactivate/Reactive meshPlatforms
Audience: Partner, Operator
It is now possible to deactivate and reactivate meshPlatforms via the "Danger Zone" tab in the Platform Control Plane of the Admin Area.
How to use
Deactivation will make the meshPlatform not available anymore to new meshTenants and existing meshTenants won't be accessible via meshPanel anymore and no more replication will be executed. Metering instead will still be executed for non-deleted meshTenants of this meshPlatform for now. This will change in future. Direct access in the cloud platform itself to the platform tenants is still possible as meshStack does not delete or do any updates on platform tenants when a meshPlatform is deactivated. A reactivation of meshPlatforms is also possible. This will allow reaccessing non-deleted meshTenants of this meshPlatform again and make the meshPlatform available again for new meshTenants.