Release 7.109.0
Release period: 2022-02-09 to 2022-02-16
This release includes the following issues:
- View all payment methods if customers have more than 50
- Edit General meshPlatform Info
- Fix authentication error for high count of projects
- User deletion picks up all users
- Remove deprecated default labels on GCP projects
- Introduce Platform Control Plane
- Visual improvement of meshPlatform list
Ticket Details
View all payment methods if customers have more than 50
Audience: Partner
As a Partner, you have not been able to list some of the payment methods of a customer in the panel, if the customer has more than 50 payment methods. This has been fixed.
Edit General meshPlatform Info
Audience: Partner, Operator
It is now possible to edit meshPlatform display name and Web Console Url via the "Settings -> General" tab in the Platform Control Plane.
Fix authentication error for high count of projects
Audience: User
If the number of projects a user had access to exceeded 50, the panel did not properly signal the user access anymore.
User deletion picks up all users
Audience: Partner
The logic around user deletion prevented the deletion of some users via panel. This bug has been fixed. Partners can now delete all users that are shown in the all users list of the admin area.
Remove deprecated default labels on GCP projects
Audience: Operator
During GCP project creation two labels (mesh-customer and mesh-project) were set on the project
that were not related to the tag management system and thus never updated.
The creation of those two tags has been removed. However, we won't delete those tags automatically
as some customers might rely on them. You can manually delete them in GCP if they are not needed anymore.
If GCP labels are required that contain the meshCustomerIdentfier or meshProjectIdentfier, those tags
can be configured via the tag replication system (currently not via self-service, please contact us for
this configuration change at
Introduce Platform Control Plane
Audience: Partner, Operator
A Platform Control Plane has been introduced in the Admin Area to maintain and manage a meshPlatform. So far all functionality that was covered under the meshPlatforms section in the Admin Area moved there. The action buttons on the meshPlatforms list have been replaced by the Control Plane.
How to use
The Platform Control Plane can be accessed via the link in the meshPlatform name in the meshPlatform list. It contains editing of Platform Quota Definitions, getting Platform Usage Reports and restricting platforms to certain customers via the "Settings" tab. Editing platform, location and provider information will follow soon. In future also meshLandingZones, meshTenants and Platform Notifications will move to this new Platform Control Plane.
Visual improvement of meshPlatform list
Audience: Partner
The meshPlatform list in the Admin Area has been visually improved. It now shows one line per platform instead of grouping platforms by location. The location is now a regular column in the list and the platform icon is shown next to the meshPlatform name.