Release 7.84.0
Release period: 2021-08-25 to 2021-09-01
This release includes the following issues:
- AWS Account Enrollment per LZ
- Prevent creation of tenants without a landing zone
- Fix replicated platform tags not showing for partners
Ticket Details
AWS Account Enrollment per LZ
Audience: Operator
Previously, account enrollment for AWS accounts to AWS Control Tower could be enabled on a platform level only. With this change it is now possible to set a flag per Landing Zone to decide whether created AWS accounts of this Landing Zone will be enrolled in AWS Control Tower or not. This allows platform operators to configure different behavior around account enrollment for a single platform.
Prevent creation of tenants without a landing zone
Audience: Customer, Operator, Partner
For platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP and OpenShift a landing zone is mandatory for a successful replication. Tenants for these platforms can no longer be created if no landing zone is available. An according info message is shown to the user in meshPanel.
Fix replicated platform tags not showing for partners
Audience: Partner, Operator
The replicated platform tags have not been shown to partners in the tenant detail screen. This issue has been fixed now and the platform tags are shown correctly.