Release 7.75.0
Release period: 2021-06-29 to 2021-06-30
This release includes the following issues:
- Customers are created only in a one way
- Support AAD alternate mail in user check
- Resilient Azure replication when missing user
Ticket Details
Customers are created only in a one way
Audience: Partner, Operator
Customer creation in the administration area with dialog box is now changed to regular customer creation method. Partners users are now able to edit restricted customer tags which are not possible for regular users.
Support AAD alternate mail in user check
Audience: Customer
meshStack can be configured to deny adding users to meshCustomers, if they cannot be found by their email address in the configured identity lookup source. This check supports verifying users by their alternate mail address configured in AAD now.
Resilient Azure replication when missing user
Audience: Partner, Operator
Users who can't be successfully invited will no longer set the invitation step to "Pending". This resulted in all project users not being able to access the Azure subscription. All following operations will exclude the user(s) with a pending invitation. The tenant overview will contain a remark with which user(s) are missing from the replication so the issue with these user(s) can be resolved.