Release 7.55.0
Release period: 2021-02-15 to 2021-02-16
This release includes the following issues:
- AWS metering data collection resilience improved
- meshCustomer GET API
- Manual replication trigger for cloud tenants
- OpenShift Landing Zone Quotas
Ticket Details
AWS metering data collection resilience improved
Audience: User
During the AWS metering data collection, some queries sent to the database timed out. With this release, we implemented an alternative to those queries and the problematic queries have been removed.
meshCustomer GET API
Audience: Partner, Operator
Component: meshfed
meshCustomers can be retrieved via the API. A list of all meshCustomers as well as getting a single meshCustomer is supported.
How to use
The new API endpoints are described in the API Documentation that is provided with a meshStack installation. Click 'API Docs' at the bottom of the meshPanel to navigate there.
Manual replication trigger for cloud tenants
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
For debugging purposes, a manual replication trigger was added in the Tenant details view inside the Administration area. When you go into the detail screen of a cloud tenant you can trigger a manual replication by pressing the replication button. Partner users can also get the new 'Replication Operator' role assigned to them so they can specifically perform this operation. The Platform Operator role also has been granted this right.
OpenShift Landing Zone Quotas
Audience: Partner, Operator
Component: release-note
For OpenShift landing zones default quotas for new OpenShift projects can be defined. These quotas will be applied to newly created meshTenants.