Release 7.49.0
Release period: 2021-01-11 to 2021-01-14
This release includes the following issues:
- Ignores email casing mismatch for AAD invitation mails
- Specify customer owner when creating a customer
- Alert on non-generated chargeback statement
- Fix customer creation when payment method is required
- Payment method detail screen
- Prevent special characters in tag name
- Fixes OS service user creation due to tags on project
- Tag schema property deletion
- Expandable arrow in the Partner User list has been removed
Ticket Details
Ignores email casing mismatch for AAD invitation mails
Audience: User
Component: repli
A mismatch in the casing (lower-/upper-case) of a user's email address in the AAD and the user's EUID in the internal meshStack database does not lead to re-sending of project invitation mails anymore.
Specify customer owner when creating a customer
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
In the administration area, you can now specify a customer owner when creating a customer.
Alert on non-generated chargeback statement
Audience: Operator
Component: release-notes
Introduced an alert to detect non-generated chargeback statements allowing faster manual intervention.
Fix customer creation when payment method is required
Audience: Partner
Component: rn
There was an issue that prevented users to create new meshCustomers, in case the requirePayment-flag was enabled for meshStack. The 'create customer' flow now works as intended again in that case.
Payment method detail screen
Audience: Customer, Partner
Component: panel
There is a new screen that shows detailed information for a selected payment method over time. It can be reached by clicking on the name of a payment method within the payment method overview in the administration as well as the customer area.
Prevent special characters in tag name
Audience: Partner
Component: releasenotes
Previously it was possible to create tag definitions with special characters within the tag name. It was not possible to edit or delete those tag definitions, because of that. We changed this behavior to only allow letters, numbers, "-" and "_" in tag names and also resolved the problem with tag definitions that could not be edited or deleted.
Fixes OS service user creation due to tags on project
Audience: User
Component: os
Newer OpenStack server versions now return tags in resources. This led to problems during service user creation and was fixed.
Tag schema property deletion
Audience: Partner
Component: release-note
Tags can now be deleted in the administration area. This means if you delete one specific tag schema property all existing instances of the tag are deleted as well.
Expandable arrow in the Partner User list has been removed
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
The expandable arrow lost its function and we decided to remove the button and to re-design the functionality to show you meshCustomers a user is assigned to.