Release 7.48.0
Release period: 2020-12-23 to 2021-01-11
This release includes the following issues:
- Edit tag definitions
- Fixed editing of cost center
- Define tags on meshObjects in panel
- Performance improvement of front-end loading time
- New column EUID at users list in administration area
Ticket Details
Edit tag definitions
Audience: Partner
Component: meshfed
It is now possible to edit existing tag definitions on meshCustomers, meshProjects, meshLandingZones and meshPaymentMethods. Users (with according access) will be able to modify the title and description fields, the default and selectable values, the mandatory and restricted flags and the replication settings.
How to use
Go to the "Organization Tags" page via the "Tags" link under "Compliance" section on the left navigation. Select a meshObject type by clicking on the arrow and on this page there is a "Edit Tag" button for every row on the right side in the column "Actions".
Fixed editing of cost center
Audience: Customer
Component: panel
Editing the cost center of the default payment method on the Payment Methods screen is now possible again as a Customer Admin.
Define tags on meshObjects in panel
Audience: Partner
We have added a page to the Administration area which allows you to define new tags on meshCustomers, meshProjects, meshLandingZones and meshPaymentMethods. Users (with according access) will be able to fill out the values for these tags when creating or editing a meshObject.
How to use
Go to the "Organization Tags" page via the "Tags" link under "Compliance" section on the left navigation. Select a meshObject type by clicking on the arrow and on this page there is a "Create Tag" button on the top right.
Performance improvement of front-end loading time
Audience: Customer
Component: CU-6aqpfe
Even faster front-end page loading and decreased network traffic.
New column EUID at users list in administration area
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
An EUID column has been added to the 'All Users' page in the Administration area. Searching is also possible for new column.