Release 7.44.0
Release period: 2020-11-23 to 2020-11-26
This release includes the following issues:
- Health endpoint improvement
- Makes meshLandingZone name available for tenant tagging
- Displays description for Service Broker pricing
- meshObject import API customer binding validation
- Add your own group(s) to a new project
- Optional Cost Center for meshCustomer Import
Ticket Details
Health endpoint improvement
Audience: Operator
Component: release-note
Operators can know request the system status, uptime, database connection and version.
Makes meshLandingZone name available for tenant tagging
Audience: Operator
Component: repli
The name of the meshLandingZone used for a meshTenant is now available as a tag for the cloud tenant tagging mechanism. For more information, please check the documentation on tenant tags.
Displays description for Service Broker pricing
Audience: User, Partner
Component: panel
You can now write a description for the billing structure including pricing plans for each Service Brokers. This helps to provide additional information about the plan costs. This is property is not part of the OSB Standard but meshStack will read this field and display it in the service plan overview in the marketplace. For more information see the meshMarketplace documentation.
meshObject import API customer binding validation
Audience: Operator
In the meshObject import API, the validation of the customer type against the meshCustomerRole was missing when creating meshCustomerUserBinding or meshCustomerGroupBinding. For example, it was possible to assign a 'Partner Admin' role to a user or group within a customer that is not the partner customer. This validation has now been introduced.
Add your own group(s) to a new project
Audience: User
Component: release-note
When creating a new project, you can now easily add meshCustomerUserGroup(s) that you are a member of to the project. This means you no longer have to search for your meshCustomerUserGroup(s) to assign it to the project.
Optional Cost Center for meshCustomer Import
Audience: Operator
Component: panel
The attribute 'costCenter' on meshCustomer in meshObjectImport is now optional. No payment method is created, if the cost center is not provided. A meshPaymentMethod can be imported explicitly via meshObjectImport. In future the cost center will be removed completely on the meshCustomer import object, so it is marked as deprecated in the API docs.