Release 7.37.0
Release period: 2020-09-29 to 2020-10-07
This release includes the following issues:
- Import of user groups without members
- Fixes OpenStack projects not replicating if tags are present
- Adding additional project policy checks
- Link payment method during meshProject import
- Added policy violation overview in admin area
- Improved visualization of Customer User Group screen
- AWS Acccount Tagging
Ticket Details
Import of user groups without members
Audience: Operator
Component: identity connector
Customer user group having no members can now be successfully imported via the identity connector.
Fixes OpenStack projects not replicating if tags are present
Audience: Operator
Component: os
Improves replication behavior for OpenStack projects when tags were manually added by someone to an OS project. Previously such projects had a chance to fail during replication.
Adding additional project policy checks
Audience: User, Customer
Component: release-note
Previously we have introduced the enforcement of meshProject policies during project creation. Now the policies will be also evaluated during meshProject edit, location add/remove and meshUser/meshCustomerUserGroup access control.
Link payment method during meshProject import
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
Payment methods can now be linked to meshProjects using the meshObject API. Subsequent calls to import the same meshProject will update existing payment methods with the new specification. If no payment methods are specified in a meshProject import, the default one will be used.
Added policy violation overview in admin area
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
If you have setup meshPolicies (for details see the documentation), these policies are periodically evaluated. If it happens that a customer violates these policies you now get an overview about it in the admin area.
Improved visualization of Customer User Group screen
Audience: Customer
Component: panel
Details of user groups and members in user groups are now in a table with extra information. The screen is also slightly altered to make it more responsive for different screen sizes.
AWS Acccount Tagging
Audience: Partner, Operator
AWS Accounts can now be tagged directly using configurable tags during a meshProject replication. This helps identifying and organizing accounts based on third party information.
How to use
In order for this feature to be used, the meshfed-service user should be assigned the permissions "organizations:TagResource" and "organizations:UntagResource".