Release 7.20.0
Release period: 2020-05-14 to 2020-05-18
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix marketplace AAD-replication with invitations disabled
- Fixes deadlock in re-auth mechanism for Azure
- Improved group member lookup for Azure
- Reapply filters and introduced sorting
- Unmanaged tenants collection for AWS
- Filtered GCP billing data collection
- See unmanaged Azure tenants in Administration area
Ticket Details
Fix marketplace AAD-replication with invitations disabled
Audience: Operator
Component: replicator
meshStack can be configured to replicate marketplace projects to an Azure Active Directory. Optionally, missing users can be invited with B2B invitations. There was an issue with project replication when invitations where disabled that has now been fixed.
Fixes deadlock in re-auth mechanism for Azure
Audience: Operator
Component: azure
This fixes a certain re-authentication flow in the used HTTP client library for Azure API calls could lead to a deadlock and therefore stall the replication pipeline.
Improved group member lookup for Azure
Audience: Operator
Component: azure
Groups with 20+ members where in some cases inefficiently handled. This resulted in more API calls than necessary. Behaviour was reflected in Azure logs.
Reapply filters and introduced sorting
Audience: Partner, Operator
Component: panel
The Inventory Tenants view, Resource view and Customer view now support reapply of filters. Furthermore the Inventory Tenants view is poviding sorting by customer, projects, platform, tenant status and location.
Unmanaged tenants collection for AWS
Audience: Partner
Component: kraken
The recently added unmanaged tenants view in the Administration area now also includes AWS tenants.
Filtered GCP billing data collection
Audience: Operator
GCP billing data collection query now filters data on the partition date. This results in the BigQuery paritioned table support being utilzed, which reduces the amount of data processed by the query and reduces the cost of billing data collection. Furthermore, the billing data collection can now be filtered by configuring meshStack with an additional filter. This feature can be used if you want to collect billing data only from a given GCP organization or folder.
See unmanaged Azure tenants in Administration area
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
The Administration area has a new view, showing unmanaged Azure tenants. By unmanaged we refere to any tenants that are not known to the meshcloud platform. In the future, more cloud platforms will be supported for this functionality.