Release 7.19.0
Release period: 2020-05-11 to 2020-05-14
This release includes the following issues:
- Better formatting for amounts rounded down to zero
- External Customer Registration Url
- Overview of Customer User Groups
- Cloud resource detailed information
- Multiple customer roles assigned to user
Ticket Details
Better formatting for amounts rounded down to zero
Audience: Operator
Monetary amounts less than 0.005 used to be rounded down to zero and was shown as 0.00 in chargeback statements and usage reports. Now they are shown as <0.01. For example, if the amount is $0.004, it will be shown as <$0.01. With this change, the user can clearly identify between amounts that are actually zero and very small amounts that would have been rounded down to zero.
External Customer Registration Url
Audience: Operator
Component: panel
Operators can now configure an external customer registration URL for meshPanel. This configuration option replaces the previous "disableRegistration" setting that required setting external registration URLs in meshPanel html templates.
How to use
This configuration option is useful for operators that want to disable self-service meshCustomer registration from meshPanel and instead opt to provide their own registration workflows using an external portal or ITSM tool. This updated configuration approach simplifies maintaining meshPanel html templates for your meshStack implementation. Please review the meshStack operator documentation for more details.
Overview of Customer User Groups
Audience: User
Component: release-note
All user groups for a meshCustomer can now be viewed under the Account section.
Cloud resource detailed information
Audience: Partner
Cloud resource list now has a 'View more' button to open a cloud resource and see more detailed information, e.g. tags, technical attributes or ownership information.
Multiple customer roles assigned to user
Audience: Customer, Partner
Now the same user can have multiple customer roles assigned on the same customer. A user that is assigned multiple roles will receive the combined privileges of the roles. If the meshObject API is used to create multiple meshCustomerUserBindings for the same user and customer with differnt roles, that user will be assigned all those differnt roles within that customer.
How to use
Login as a partner or customer and select Account. Click on the gear icon on the top right corner. Select users from the left sidebar. Under the users section, you can now assign multiple roles to the same user. The different user role assignements are currently reflected in different rows.