Release 7.2.0
Release period: 2019-12-20 to 2020-01-20
This release includes the following issues:
- Import meshTenant objects by local id
- Improve error messages for role requests
- Option to hide billing and company address
- Parameter dialog for service configuration
- Fixes updates for service instance dashboard URLs
- JRE dependency upgrade
Ticket Details
Import meshTenant objects by local id
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
Importing meshTenants for Projects (i.e. an AWS account) was previously done by specifying the account name. Since some platforms don't have unique account names, they must now be imported by their local id (i.e. AWS account id).
Improve error messages for role requests
Audience: User
Component: meshfed
Improved error messages when trying to approve role requests that no longer exist (i.e. because a User was deleted).
Option to hide billing and company address
Audience: User
Component: release-note
Company and billing address can now be configured to be hidden. This means that meshCustomers won't have to set the addresses during project/customer creation.
Parameter dialog for service configuration
Audience: User
Component: panel
While creating a new service or changing an existing instance it is possible to set parameters via a parameter dialog. The free text option for JSON input is not longer supported.
Fixes updates for service instance dashboard URLs
Audience: Operator
When updating a service instance the responsible service broker can also update the dashboard url for this service instance. Dashboard URL updates are now correctly applied.
JRE dependency upgrade
Audience: Operator
All JVM-based meshStack components have been updated to Java 11 LTS.
How to use
meshStack now uses the AdoptOpenJDK Java 11 LTS release. This OpenJDK release is maintained by the open source community. AdoptOpenJDK will provide security patches for this release at least until 09/2022.