Release 7.1.0
Release period: 2019-12-16 to 2019-12-20
This release includes the following issues:
- Fixes possible invalid AWS account alias generation
- Improve switching between customers
- Managed AWS roles can now have multiple policies attached
- meshObject creation via API
- Enables AWS Landing Zones to only change target OU
Ticket Details
Fixes possible invalid AWS account alias generation
Audience: Operator
Component: aws
Fixes the possibility to create an invalid AWS account alias if a certain envIdentifier was configuered.
Improve switching between customers
Audience: User, Partner, Operator
Fixed an issue in the meshPanel where switching from a partner to a meshCustomer caused transient error notifications to be shown. Also improved the error page shown when a meshPanel page is not available due to insufficient user permissions.
Managed AWS roles can now have multiple policies attached
Audience: Operator
Component: aws
Managed AWS roles are controlled and checked during the replication process by meshstack. It is now possible to have multiple AWS policies attached to them at once.
meshObject creation via API
Audience: User
Component: release-notes
meshObjects like meshUser, meshCustomer, meshProject, meshTenant and their inter relationships as well as user assignments can now be created via a REST API. This can especially be used to import already existing cloud tenants as meshTenants to meshStack. Details are available in the public meshcloud docs.
Enables AWS Landing Zones to only change target OU
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
In the AWS Landing Zone configuration, partner are now able to only select a target OU in which the AWS accounts will be deployed. No other options e.g. like defining an Access Stack are required anymore.