Release 5.6.0
Release period: 2019-09-02 to 2019-09-05
This release includes the following issues:
- Billing Info in Chargeback Statements
- Enhanced OpenStack Server Metering Data
Ticket Details
Billing Info in Chargeback Statements
Audience: Customer, Partner
Component: kraken
Chargeback Statements now contain relevant billing information that was set on the related project at the point in time when the statement was created. It can be configured per meshcloud installation which data is relevant for the statement. The information is retrieved from the payment method defined on the project and/or via project tags, if these are configured for the installation.
Enhanced OpenStack Server Metering Data
Audience: Customer, Partner, Operator
meshStack Metering now collects deleted server data from OpenStack. This improves accuracy of metering data for OpenStack clouds that do do not provide Ceilometer/Panko telemetry.
How to use
Operators should be aware that collecting deleted server state data for the first time may result in increased load on the metering subsystem, as OpenStack Nova clouds do typically not purge/expire deleted server information. This can result in collection of data about all servers that were ever deployed on a particular OpenStack cloud.