Release 5.1.0
Release period: 2019-06-04 to 2019-06-25
This release includes the following issues:
- Reduces load time of partner customer list
- Allows to edit customers assigned to platform instances
- Display of Platform Instances in Partner Area
- External api can now be used to list users and customers
- Invitation flow refactoring
- Fixes customer overview for partner employees
- Terminates replicator if RabbitMQ connection dropped
- Pre-fill 'GITC_PW_' while project creation
- Customer access can be restricted on Platform Instances
- Private cloud resource trait updates
- Harmonize nova server "active" values
Ticket Details
Reduces load time of partner customer list
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
Drastically reduces returned dataset in order to speed up load time of customers inside the admin area.
Allows to edit customers assigned to platform instances
Audience: Partner, Operator
In order to create private platform instances customers can now be assigned to private platform instances.
Display of Platform Instances in Partner Area
Audience: Partner, Operator
Partner and Platform Operator can now see the Platform Instances in the Admin area and inspect the status or the restriction level.
How to use
Go to the Admin Area and on the left menu click the 'Platform Instances' menu point. It will be visible if you have the rights to do so.
External api can now be used to list users and customers
Audience: Operator
Component: release-note
It is possible to request all available users and customers with basic auth. The users response will be return every username mapped by assgined customer accounts and the customers response will be return all customers with identifier, display name and specific contact person.
Invitation flow refactoring
Audience: Customer
Component: release-note
In order to also apply 4-EP on new customer user assignments, invitations are replaced by an equivalent workflow built on the customer role request system.
Fixes customer overview for partner employees
Audience: User
Component: panel
The role display and customer overview in the admin area for partner employee users was unusable and is now fixed.
Terminates replicator if RabbitMQ connection dropped
Audience: Operator
Component: replicator
Previously a dropped connection could lead to a state where the app does not recover the connection to RabbitMQ again after a failure. This fix terminates the app and relies on a external watchdog like Cloudfoundry or Docker restart policy to restart the replicator app again.
Pre-fill 'GITC_PW_' while project creation
Audience: Customer
Component: release-note
The GITC_PW prefix for project names and identifiers is now set automatically by the system.
Customer access can be restricted on Platform Instances
Audience: User, Operator
Component: meshfed
With this change operators can enable private platform instances to which only certain customers get access.
Private cloud resource trait updates
Audience: Operator
Component: billing
Resource traits used in the product catalog now use the camelCase name conventions. The names match the traits as they are stored in the underlying data model. Operators are advised to rebuild their product catalog for private cloud metering.
Harmonize nova server "active" values
Audience: Operator
Component: billing
Some OpenStack deployments deliver inconsistent values for the "active" trait of a server. meshStack metering will now harmonize these values to produce consistent results. Affected, non-finalized tenant usage reports will be automatically re-calculated.