Release 4.6.0
Release period: 2019-04-02 to 2019-04-17
This release includes the following issues:
- PoC for Azure Landing Zone Configuration
- Details about Customer and Project events are now available
- Replicator handle entity mappings
- Platform Replicator are now one deployment
Ticket Details
PoC for Azure Landing Zone Configuration
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
We implemented a PoC to apply ARM templates to the Azure tenant when creating a new meshProject. This allows to configure the Azure tenants with company defaults for being company-compliant and to speed up development by creating default resources like VPCs. Parameters of these templates are also supported and have to be set by the user during the creation of a meshProject.
Details about Customer and Project events are now available
Audience: Partner
Component: release-note
Within the Customer- and Project-History page partner can request the details of a specific event like changed role or similar.
Replicator handle entity mappings
Audience: Operator
Component: replicator
The entity mapping handling of cloud resources to the meshStack business entity is now done on the platform replicator itself. This increases robustness of the mapping handling if a platform replication takes some time (e.g. on GCP).
Platform Replicator are now one deployment
Audience: Operator
After more and more platforms are supported by meshStack we combined the replicator into one deployment artefact to improve the deyploment experience.