Release 4.5.0
Release period: 2019-03-27 to 2019-03-29
This release includes the following issues:
- Customer Audit Events
- Partner can manually approve Customer
- Audit Event Retention
- Added further project audit events
Ticket Details
Customer Audit Events
Audience: Partner
Component: meshfed
Customer Audit Events have been added for all relevant actions done on customers (registration, assign user, changed user role, etc).
How to use
Partners and Admins can access the Customer History from the customer list in the Administration Area.
Partner can manually approve Customer
Audience: Partner
Component: panel, meshfed
meshFed can be configured in a way that a Partner can now manually approve customer. If the customer is manually approved by a partner he does not need to verify his email. To make it easier for a Partner to find unapproved Customer a new filter option was added.
How to use
Go to the admin area and open the 'Customers' panel. Every not approved customer has an action icon to manually approve him.
Audit Event Retention
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
Audit Events will now be deleted automatically after a configurable amount of years to be compliant with data protection rules.
Added further project audit events
Audience: Operator
Component: release-note
New Project events, mainly related to user authorization on projects, have been added.