Release 4.4.0
Release period: 2019-03-13 to 2019-03-19
This release includes the following issues:
- API for Project Metering Data
- Allows Partner to approve pending role requests
- Public API Documentation
- Improves readability of OS license list
Ticket Details
API for Project Metering Data
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
A external API to retrieve metering / resource usage data from meshStack is now available. It allows external systems to create new payment methods and retrieve a list of used resources in a given timeframe for all projects that are using a specific payment method. Detailed API documentation can be found in every meshStack installation via the "API" link in the page footer.
Allows Partner to approve pending role requests
Audience: Partner, User
Component: meshfed
Designated partner customer of customer can now approve the pending role requests.
How to use
In the Admin area in the customer list, there is another action which allows to list (and possibly approve or decline) pending customer users project role requests.
Public API Documentation
Audience: Operator
Component: meshfed
All public endpoints are now described in an API documentation that is deployed with the backend. In the footer of the meshPanel, you can find the link to this documentation.
Improves readability of OS license list
Audience: Partner
Component: panel
Highlights OS library name in the admin areas license list.