Release 4.1.0
Release period: 2019-01-17 to 2019-01-23
This release includes the following issues:
- Publishing of Service Brokers
- Release note page now shows more details
Ticket Details
Publishing of Service Brokers
Audience: Customer, Partner
Component: panel
Service Brokers created for a customer can now also be published to the meshMarketplaces, that are available for all projects. Before the services actually appear in the public meshMarketplaces, an administrator has to approve the published Service Broker first.
How to use
Go to the Service Broker section in your customer account area. The service brokers you created are listed here. Click the "globe"-button of the service broker you want to publish. Select the meshMarketplace you want to publish the service broker to and enter the endpoint and credential information for the instance of the service broker you want to use for this meshMarketplace. Click the "plus"-button and your published Service Broker will be available to an admin for approval. As soon as it is approved, your services will be available to all users.
Release note page now shows more details
Audience: User
Component: panel
The release note page now show more details when available, e.g. detailed usage instructions for new features. Release notes displayed on the main page continue to show only a summary of changes.