Release 3.4.0
Release period: 2018-12-19 to 2018-12-27
This release includes the following issues:
- Private Service Brokers and meshMarketplace
- Platform Notifications
- List own Service Brokers
Ticket Details
Private Service Brokers and meshMarketplace
Audience: Customer
Component: meshfed, panel
Customers can now register private Services in the meshMarketplace. Self-service registration of private Services is available in the Account Area by registering a Service Broker that implements the Open Service Broker API. After registering such a broker, Projects owned by your customer can then access these services under a new "Marketplace" Location to. Publishing Service Brokers to shared or public marketplaces will be available in a future release.
Platform Notifications
Audience: Partner, User
Component: meshfed
Partners can create platform notifications to inform users about problems, updates or other changes to platforms. Platform notifications can be managed from the Partner Area. Display of platform notifications to users on dashboards and other areas of the panel will be available in a future release.
List own Service Brokers
Audience: Customer
Component: meshfed
In the Account area of a customer, a new section "Service Brokers" has been added. Soon you will be able the manage your own Service Brokers to provide your services in the marketplace.