Release 3.3.6
Release period: 2018-11-29 to 2018-12-03
This release includes the following issues:
- Hide zero-discounts in Usage Reports
- Show location name with platform instance name
- Global Location introduced
- Fixes duplicate release notes
- Improves the generation of release notes
- Support for sensitive service brokers
Ticket Details
Hide zero-discounts in Usage Reports
Audience: Customer, Partner
Component: panel
Usage reports in the panel now no longer show 0.00 € discounts. This reduces visual clutter and allows users to identify discounted cloud resource usages more quicly. Also fixed visual indentation of aggregation levels.
Show location name with platform instance name
Audience: Users
Component: panel
On the cloud dashboards and in the page header, only the name of the selected platform instance has been displayed (e.g. "OpenStack"). Now also the location name is displayed, so it is always clear which specific Platform Instance is selected.
Global Location introduced
Audience: Users
Component: web
A Global location is now available. It is a location that contains platform instances or services in the meshMarketplace, that are not related to a specific location and can be used globally. This location is set on all projects and cannot be removed from a project.
Fixes duplicate release notes
Audience: Users
Component: releasenotes
Under special circumstances it was possible for duplicate release notes to show up in two different release versions. These are filtered now.
Improves the generation of release notes
Audience: User
Component: releasenotes
It enables the system to generate partner specific release notes and also improves robustness of the release note generation.
Support for sensitive service brokers
Audience: Operator
Component: osb
Service Owners can now define their services as sensitive by setting a tag "sensitive" on their service in the catalog. Credentials for bindings of these services are not persisted and therefore only returned once to the user during binding creation.