Release 2023.4.0
Release period: 2023-06-28 to 2023-07-05
This release includes the following issues:
- Fix Building Block private repository not working
- Improved meshCustomer Creation Review Screen
- Improved UX for invalid Building Blocks
- Fix Terraform Building Block Definitions using SSH
- Improved deletion handling of pending Building Blocks
- Purge Building Block
- Fix rare case of stuck Building Block deletion
Ticket Details
Fix Building Block private repository not working
Audience: Partner, Operator
With this release we fixed a bug that prevented the correct execution of Building Blocks with sources from private repositories. This bug was accompanied by the error message 'Your private key appears to be invalid'.
Improved meshCustomer Creation Review Screen
Audience: User
In this release, we have made significant enhancements to the meshCustomer Review & Create screen, providing a complete overview of inputs by displaying all users who have the meshCustomer role, along with corresponding tags for meshCustomer.
Improved UX for invalid Building Blocks
Audience: User, Customer
When creating a meshProject or a meshTenant, incomplete or invalid Building Blocks were only indicated via an exclamation mark icon. This could be overseen easily. Therefore we now show an additional info box before the "next" button for easily understanding, that some Building Blocks have not been successfully configured. Additionally from now on the first mandatory Building Block will automatically be expanded, so it is clear and easy to provide input for it.
Fix Terraform Building Block Definitions using SSH
Audience: Partner, Operator
With the last release, a bug was introduced, that prevented saving Building Block Definitions that were using SSH for accessing Git without defining the Known Host Entry. This is fixed now and Building Block Definitions can be saved again without defining a Known Host Entry.
Improved deletion handling of pending Building Blocks
Audience: User, Operator
If a Building Block used the "Delete Resources" deletion mode and is still waiting for input, it could not been deleted before. An operator had to manually purge this block. meshStack now identifies these situations and purges Building Blocks, if they have never been executed.
Purge Building Block
Audience: Partner, Operator
Building Blocks can now always be purged by Platform Operators and Partners in the Admin Area. This enables resolving issues with stuck Building Blocks or Blocks where tf destroy did not work as expected and was resolved manually. With the new purge functionality, those Building Blocks can now be easily removed in meshStack.
How to use
Go to the Building Block section of the Tenant Detail Screen in the Admin Area and select a Building Block. Besides executing a Building Block again and deleting a Building Block, you can now also purge the Building Block.
Fix rare case of stuck Building Block deletion
Audience: Partner, Operator
In rare cases, Building Block Deletion got stuck and prevented any execution of a Building Block on the same meshTenant. This is fixed now.