Release 7.111.0
Release period: 2022-02-23 to 2022-03-02
This release includes the following issues:
- Improve error message when importing meshTenant
- Fix meshProject import ignoring updated tags
- Option to restrict meshPlatforms during creation
- Edit meshProvider Info
- Fix validation on required 'Multi Select' tags
- Multiple meshPolicyRules are no longer supported
- Customers can not have more than 250 active payment methods
Ticket Details
Improve error message when importing meshTenant
Audience: Operator
When you import a meshTenant with a localId which is already assigned to another meshTenant on the same platform, you will receive a hint in the response that you can't set that localId because it is in use.
Fix meshProject import ignoring updated tags
Audience: Partner
The declarative import of a meshProject in the meshObject API would ignore updated tags for an existing project. This is now fixed and any updated tags of a meshProject will be applied correctly.
Option to restrict meshPlatforms during creation
Audience: Partner, Operator
It is now possible to restrict meshPlatforms to certain meshCustomers already when creating new meshPlatforms.
How to use
This allows you to e.g. restrict new meshPlatforms initially to a meshCustomer you own as a Platform Operator. You can test whether all integrations are working as expected and make the instance public once you are done. Or you could restrict a dedicated meshPlatform from the beginning on to certain meshCustomers.
Edit meshProvider Info
Audience: Partner, Operator
It is now possible to edit meshProvider information via the "Settings -> Provider" tab in the Platform Control Plane.
Fix validation on required 'Multi Select' tags
Audience: Customer, Partner
We fixed a problem around the selection of required tags. The problem only applied when a required tag provided multiple selectable options in a multi-select manner. It was possible to circumvent the required setting and leave the tag empty.
Multiple meshPolicyRules are no longer supported
Audience: Operator, Partner
We've removed the possibility to assign multiple meshPolicyRules to one meshPolicy. Each meshPolicy has exactly one specific tag mapping. For more information please take a look into the docs .
Customers can not have more than 250 active payment methods
Audience: Customer, Partner
The creation of payment methods through the panel and meshObjectImport is restricted if already 250 active payment methods are present in a given customer. Get in touch with us if you are experiencing problems because of this limitation.