Release 7.91.0
Release period: 2021-10-13 to 2021-10-20
This release includes the following issues:
- Authentication exceptions don't spam logs anymore
- Chargeback statements in customer control plane
- Deletion Queue moves to the new dashboard
- Fixes issue with AWS RI & SP metering
- Declarative deletion for customer and project bindings
Ticket Details
Authentication exceptions don't spam logs anymore
Audience: Operator
Long stacktraces from authentication exceptions inside the application won't spam the logs anymore. They can be re-enabled by setting the log-level to debug.
Chargeback statements in customer control plane
Audience: Customer
We've integrated the chargeback statements page into the redesigned customer entry page. The chargeback statements are no longer available within the account area. If you press the chargback statements sidebar entry then you'll be automatically redirected to the new view. Be aware that we'll incrementally release more and more features in the new UI design in the coming weeks.
Deletion Queue moves to the new dashboard
Audience: Customer
The 'Deletion Queue' can be found in the new Dashboard under the 'Projects'-tab.
Fixes issue with AWS RI & SP metering
Audience: User
An issue in the AWS Reserved Instances and Savings Plans metering caused the processing of the collected items to fail in rare situations which caused the tenant usage reports to be incomplete. This issue has been fixed with this release.
Declarative deletion for customer and project bindings
Audience: User
With this release we have implemented declarative deletion for the meshObject types meshCustomerUserBinding, meshCustomerGroupBinding, meshProjectUserBinding and meshProjectGroupBinding. Imagine you imported customer bindings and project bindings via the meshObject API and provided a meshObjectCollection with that import. When you now execute a subsequent import of the same meshObjectCollection, and some of those bindings are no longer provided in this import, these missing bindings will be removed from meshStack. Please refer to the meshObject Import API documentation for more details about declarative deletion.