Release 7.83.0
Release period: 2021-08-18 to 2021-08-25
This release includes the following issues:
- Improve Kubernetes/OpenShift metering robustness
- Scheduled tasks related improvements
- Fix UI issue when deleting service instances
- Strict identifier validation
- Fix issue in meshObject Import API
- Fix username when user looked up from AAD
- Flexible AWS metering data collection schedule
- Apply hyphen sanitization for AWS Account Alias
Ticket Details
Improve Kubernetes/OpenShift metering robustness
Audience: Operator
Improved robustness for collecting cpu usage across different Kubernetes versions.
Scheduled tasks related improvements
Audience: User
There was an issue in the scheduled task execution which in rare cases blocked certain scheduled tasks like polling service instance status. This issue has been fixed with this release.
Fix UI issue when deleting service instances
Audience: User
When deleting a service instance from a synchronous service broker, it was still shown in the UI after deletion. Only a refresh showed that the instance has actually been removed. This is fixed now and the service instance is removed from the list after deleting it.
Strict identifier validation
Audience: Customer, Partner
meshStack now applies a more strict validation of identifiers (meshProject, meshCustomer, service broker). Identifiers must not contain leading, trailing or consecutive dashes. This will be validated from now on when creating new meshProjects, meshCustomers or service brokers. Existing ones are not affected by this change. This limitation is being applied as some platforms require these strict rules, e.g. AWS has this rule in place for AWS account aliases.
Fix issue in meshObject Import API
Audience: Operator
An issue with the lookup and filtering of meshPaymentMethods was identified and removed that could lead to errors when importing new or existing meshProjects without a specified meshPaymentMethod via the meshObject Import API.
Fix username when user looked up from AAD
Audience: Operator, Customer
When adding a user that was looked up in Azure Active Directory to a meshCustomer, the username has been set to the UPN from Azure recently. This resulted in some strange looking usernames that included #EXT#. We now set the email adress as a default for these users. Already affected usernames have been updated automatically to the email address.
Flexible AWS metering data collection schedule
Audience: User
AWS metering data collection schedule can now be configured on an hourly or daily basis. For example, every eight hours, every twelve hours, every day, or every two days. This feature was introduced because we plan to fully switch to the AWS Cost Explorer for AWS metering. By configuring a less frequent schedule, you have the possibility to reduce the costs incurred when calling the API.
Apply hyphen sanitization for AWS Account Alias
Audience: Operator
AWS account aliases are restricted regarding usage of hyphens. An alias must not start or end with a hyphen. Additionally it must not contain consecutive hyphens. This sanitization is now applied by meshStack's replicator before setting an account alias.